Don't forget to pamper yourself!!!

Our Legacy For You

Skincare Detox

Lylla Paddyfote

Skincare Detox

Hello All, Hope your having a wonderful week!! So a good way to start your chemically free lifestyle is to start by deciding what ingredients we want to AVOID in our skincare products.  What is in important to you?  A product that is free from toxic chemicals or a product that is Vegan. Whatever you may be looking for the following ingredients are those we should avoid.  Unfortunately most store brought brands have the following ingredients.   Without getting toooo technical: Parabens...Usually used as a preservative they are " a family of synthetic esters" that are used in lotions to body...

Welcome to Our Legacy!

Lylla Paddyfote

Welcome to Our Legacy!
Every week we will feature beauty products and different oils and share all their amazing benefits with you.